day 99: departure from the plan
Why am I doing this, you ask? The ones that are left are just so cheesy and dumb, in my opinion. Yes, I know I could make up my own, and you'd never know the difference. I'm just ready to move on. So keep moving with me....
Here's what I want to share with you today.
Sometimes (okay, most of the time) I feel like I am doing all that I can to just keep myself just treading water. I refuse to let myself slip under....but all that's required of me to keep my head above water is a lot. And stressful. And tiring. And I become a grouchy mom. And often not the best model of a mom like I could/should be.
Today, finishing up the last of 11 long days of training at school, we watched a video clip to pull everything together that we had immersed ourselves (read: our brains) in. It's a segment from the movie Facing the Giants, and it's linked here. You don't even have to have already seen the movie to get this. I never have....but boy, did I get it today. This hit me good, like a solid punch in the stomach. The lines that got me the most were at the end: "You are the most influential player on this team. If you walk around defeated, so will they." I can't find a better reminder for myself than that. If I walk around here with a bad attitude, grouchy, complaining, etc., my kids will, too. That is NOT how I want them to view their momma, nor the kind of kids I want them to turn out to be.

I am the most influential player on this team. I won't walk around defeated. Neither will they.
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