day 89: signs of the times

Military 30-day Photo Challenge Day 13: post a pic of an item you proudly display to show your military support

Is there a military family that doesn't go a bit overboard with this type of thing?

Here's what I've got:
1.) a yellow ribbon tied to the largest tree (and also the ONLY tree) in our front yard
2.) two vehicles with a simple plethora of Marine Corps stickers on the back - the one I drive the most also has a blue star flag magnet on it
3.) Marine Corps and American flags flying on either side of our garage
4.) a blue star flag hanging on our front window
5.) a blue star flag pin proudly pinned to my shirt whenever I leave the house
6.) three little girls who absolutely seek out every single chance they get to tell whomever they meet, whether they've known them for 2 minutes or 2 years, about THEIR daddy and why he is not with them right now


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