day 88: soon to be reading

I'm ashamed to say how long I've had this book, and it's still sitting at the top of my pile of books to work my way through this summer; since I'm a teacher and have the summers off, one would think that I'd be flying through that pile, right? Ha.
I first learned of Josh Bleill's story when it was highlighted on our morning news program a few years ago. Like many military stories, it brought me to tears. It quickly became my mission to get Mr. Bleill to my school to be a guest speaker for my annual Veterans Day program. My first year of trying brought me no luck. But true to the stubborn gal I naturally am, I didn't give up. And this past November, just a few weeks after I pulled off yet another Veterans Day program, I finally got what I wanted. Confirmation that this American hero was on the calendar to speak at my next program this coming fall. Sweet.
As much as I already know about his story in general, I have no doubts this will be a book that I'll read cover to cover and not want to put it down. And, knowing that, there will probably be a few more tears involved.
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