day 106: leftovers

Today I'm just not feelin' it.

This isn't to say I haven't had a good day. 'Cause I did. Had me a good dose of Amy. :) She's my friend, and I love her. Even though we've got enough dissimilar between us (like her passion for the color purple), our shared common loves for scrapbooking and being Marine wives tightly binds us together.

But the creative juices for today aren't flowin'. So you get leftovers. Sort of. I'm stealing the format of an old note of mine on Facebook, adding in current & updated answers. Here goes.

Where did you take your profile pic?
Reagan took this pic of my and my little sister Brooke at my grandpa's house a few weeks ago in Goshen, IN.

What exactly are you wearing right now?
black capri pajama pants and a mustard yellow Old Navy t-shirt

What is your current problem?
I am addicted to Angry Birds

What makes you happy most?
talking to my husband

Any celeb you would marry?
Vinn Diesel would suit me just fine

Ever sang in front of a large audience?
goodness no

Do you speak any languages?
a little German (enough to impress my students with, anyways)

Do you ever watch MTV?
occasionally an "I Love the 90s" episode with Aaron, but that's it

Ice Cream? chocolate with peanut butter mixed in

Season? can't pick a fav. there's things I like and hate about all of them

Shampoo/conditioner? pantene

Broken a bone? my right wrist in 5th grade. on a Wednesday evening after church, we played tag in the parking lot....after it had rained. whoops.

Gone scuba diving or snorkeling? snorkeling in Key West

Been stung by a bee? nope

Thrown up at the dentist? after the dentist, when I got my wisdom teeth removed

Had detention? nope, but now I get to give detentions :)

Last movie you saw? actually watched - Rio. listened to in the car - Ramona and Beezus

Last 3 people to text you? Ben, Amy, and Rachel

Last thing you ate? bacon

Last thing you drank? milk

Last thing you said? Yes, you can watch Scooby Doo until 9:00.

And now it's 9:00. Bedtime for kiddos.....


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