day 102: f.r.u.s.t.r.a.t.e.d.

That's my word of the day.

1.) ASC couldn't FaceTime me, nor could I, him. And I know he stayed up late trying to help me get it figured out. And I wasted time I could've spent with my kids trying to get it figured out.
2.) The kids argued the entire way through our craft time this afternoon. And I yelled.
3.) I had to take care of a dead rabbit. Yes, I grew up on a farm, which leads itself to many disgusting things anyways, but my preference is to let someone else take care of dead animals. Still not sure how that rabbit got in our yard, but the dog made sure the varmit wasn't going to be leaving the yard....except in a trash bag yielded by me. Eww.
4.) That's not it. Some things just aren't blog fodder.

Why should I not be frustrated?
1.) Exchanging my new iPhone 3GS for a newer iPhone 4 went off without a hitch (yes, I did just get the first one this week, but remember the dilemma of not being able to FaceTime ASC? but I can't bring that up, because I'll get frustrated again.) Anyways, my time at the AT&T store went better than expected. No hassles. No problems from the girls. In fact, they were perfectly occupied playing with the demo cell phones and iPads, even though the lady helping me turned cartoons on the tvs for them.
2.) At least we had craft time, even though it wasn't pleasant.
3.) I had a shovel and plenty of plastic bags handy for disposing of the rabbit. Too bad trash day was yesterday, and that'll have to sit a whole week.....
4.) We went to a few garage sales this morning on the way home from the store, and I victoriously nabbed a cute shirt and a new computer chair. And remember how I said yesterday that I loathe my neighborhood? Well, there is one thing it's good for. You put an item in your driveway by the street (like a used computer chair that someone is too lazy to take to Goodwill), and in the amount of time it takes someone to walk from the driveway to her front door to peek out the window to see if it's gone yet, it's gone. Thumbs up for that.

So I should let it go and not spend the rest of the night as grouchy mom.
Too bad that's easier said than done.

(P.S. I spared you the pics for today. I could've chosen the dead bunny or grouchy mom. Neither are too pretty. So you get none.)


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