introverted homebodies, snow days, and happiness
The Blizzard of 2014
(here's hoping that you're the ONLY blizzard in 2014)
You've forced our heating system to work on overdrive with your -40 degree windchill.
You've brought down some pine tree limbs overladen with snow.
You've required hours upon hours of shoveling and digging cars out of the driveway.
But, on the flip side...
You've granted hours of play time in the snow.
You've added to our Christmas break by 3 days.
You've allowed us to be snowed in since Saturday (and this is Tuesday, for the record).
And not just that.
You've let us relax. Chill out. Do whatever we darn well please, because it is a snow day, after all. Rooms have been tidied, laundry done, meals cooked, dishes washed, etc. But those things are quickly done so that we can do what we want.
Books have been devoured. Naps have been long and cozy. Christmas presents played with. Puzzles completed. Play-Doh and Polly Pockets and Legos. Binge watching of favorite tv shows. Netflix subscription started. Movies watched. Candy Crush levels defeated. Pinterest has been scoured.
But here's the miracle of it: we are perfectly fine to be stuck at home.
We're on Day 3, and school's already cancelled for tomorrow.
Groceries are stocked, we're all in a warm house, eye doctor appointments were cancelled, and we are content to just be here. Together. PJs required.
For me, this is big. It's ingrained in my head to get all your work done first, and then you can play. I'm not a perfectionist, and I'm not obsessive. It takes a lot for me to sit and stare at the tv when I know there are other things (read: laundry, dishes, and so on) that have to be done first. But this Christmas break has been different. I've purposely not sought out things that need to and should be done (re-organize that closet, go through that drawer) and instead, I've done what I've felt like doing when I felt like doing it. I cannot believe how much time I've spent with nothing to show for it...other than the fact that I've been satisfied with my day.
I suppose, folks, that's the fine art of contentment.
Happy snow day to you.
Enjoy it.
Be content with it.
(here's hoping that you're the ONLY blizzard in 2014)
You've forced our heating system to work on overdrive with your -40 degree windchill.
You've brought down some pine tree limbs overladen with snow.
You've required hours upon hours of shoveling and digging cars out of the driveway.
But, on the flip side...
You've granted hours of play time in the snow.
You've added to our Christmas break by 3 days.
You've allowed us to be snowed in since Saturday (and this is Tuesday, for the record).
And not just that.
You've let us relax. Chill out. Do whatever we darn well please, because it is a snow day, after all. Rooms have been tidied, laundry done, meals cooked, dishes washed, etc. But those things are quickly done so that we can do what we want.
Books have been devoured. Naps have been long and cozy. Christmas presents played with. Puzzles completed. Play-Doh and Polly Pockets and Legos. Binge watching of favorite tv shows. Netflix subscription started. Movies watched. Candy Crush levels defeated. Pinterest has been scoured.
But here's the miracle of it: we are perfectly fine to be stuck at home.
We're on Day 3, and school's already cancelled for tomorrow.
Groceries are stocked, we're all in a warm house, eye doctor appointments were cancelled, and we are content to just be here. Together. PJs required.
For me, this is big. It's ingrained in my head to get all your work done first, and then you can play. I'm not a perfectionist, and I'm not obsessive. It takes a lot for me to sit and stare at the tv when I know there are other things (read: laundry, dishes, and so on) that have to be done first. But this Christmas break has been different. I've purposely not sought out things that need to and should be done (re-organize that closet, go through that drawer) and instead, I've done what I've felt like doing when I felt like doing it. I cannot believe how much time I've spent with nothing to show for it...other than the fact that I've been satisfied with my day.
I suppose, folks, that's the fine art of contentment.
Happy snow day to you.
Enjoy it.
Be content with it.
Yes! To all of this, yes!! I love it. But I especially love that you are safe and warm and haven't lost power. Of course, I trust your resourceful husband (and self) to keep your family warm and well fed in any adventure, but it makes me happy to hear you are enjoying yourself so much :)