day 103: partial solitude

I guess the mistake I made was telling her, "Have fun this week! I love you!" twice in five minutes. Because after I did, she gave me a snarl of a face and said, "Mom, I know. You already told me once. Are you leaving now?"
So I did. She's at church camp for a week, and apparently, she won't be missing me too much.
No better send off than that, right? Wow.

The rest of the week, I'll play chauffeur twice a day, taking the other two to a day camp downtown.
But when you add these camps together (which is funded by a cool organization offering grants for military kids), that equals five days of momma with time to herself. Five days. Back to back. It's a rarity. But I think I'll somehow manage....

The selfish, throw-caution-to-the-wind side of me says I'll be spending those days shopping or, brace yourselves, just sitting on the couch and reading a book from cover to cover.

The more level-headed, responsible side says I'll work in my classroom until my to-do list is a list of scribbles, with everything accomplished. Then it will be time to play. (Sad but true, this is me. Work before play. It's a curse, really. And hard to break.)

Which side will win?
Stay tuned.

(P.S. Still no FaceTime luck. Guess the good folks at the AT&T store will be seeing my bright face tomorrow. But, I did score an hour-long phone call with him today. Good enough, I suppose.)


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