day 95: LOST

I don't know if this was ASC's all-time fav show, but it's safe to say he was obsessed with it while it was on. During his second Iraq deployment, he started watching the show from the very first season, thanks to the expansive shared drive there. He told me about it over the phone....but I wasn't that in to it to start watching it myself. He was all about catching up with the seasons that had already aired in order to watch the new season that would start when he got home. That Christmas, he got some of the seasons on DVD....and that's when I started watching it with him, much to his demise; he wanted so badly for me to watch it with him, but yet he told me that I couldn't possibly begin to understand everything without watching it from the very beginning. That resulted in pausing each episode every few minutes to give me some background.
(disclaimer: this is by no means by best piece of writing ever, nor the most exciting. I'm simply following directions.)
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