day 144: not before those chickens hatch

Today we trekked to the post office before its 12:30 closing time, and with 10 people somewhat patiently in line behind us, mailed our very last package to an address that I still don't quite know by heart. The last one.

And this week I ordered the expected (and FREE) welcome home banner.

Which reminded me that we soon need to paint our bed sheet sign.

Which made me think that I soon need to make a to-do list for things to get done/cleaned up/spruced up around here before that day arrives.

Which made me realize that I soon need to start stocking the pantry and frig for all of his favorites....caffeine free Pepsi, Tricscuits, angel hair pasta, strawberry pop-tarts with no frosting, popsicles.....

Except part of me is hesitant to do all that, to be thinking of doing all that, before the chickens have even hatched.


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