day 139: running out of time
I feel as if I'm standing precariously in the middle of a balance.

Two weeks left until school starts....and for that, I'd like days to slow down just a tad bit more.
Two months left until my family is complete again, my heart whole again, the other half of me where he belongs....and for that, I'd much prefer for the days to pass in a blur.
So because of, or in spite of, all that, how's a girl to spend her day?
Like this:
Today was just the day for a water balloon fight. Okay, so there really wasn't much of a fight. Just throwing. And enjoying. And a smidge of splashing.
The girls were playing so well together that for a solid 30 minutes, in the room next to me, no one noticed me laboring over the kitchen sink, filling and tying.
And then we did a little of this:
Crafting. Pinwheels, to be specific.
Each girl's perfectly fit their personality.
K's in all cool colors, perfectly planned, everything uniform and certain.
R's was a rainbow, bright and cheery, complete with hearts (cause they made her think of Daddy).
McK's was a partial copy of R's as far as the rainbow colors go, but each petal was decorated in its own unique and independent way. (did you see the concentration in her face above? wow.)
We also grocery shopped and I worked on highly-procrastinated school to-do stuff, but those are neither exciting nor photo-worthy. And, just so you know, I did work before I played. Always.
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