day 5: star light, star bright

On the way home from church today, K tried to engage me in a conversation about the stars.
Did they move positions every night, she wondered.
And, if so, then how exactly did God keep track of which star was which?
As I do with so many of my children's questions about life in general, which often boggle my mind, I asked her where these questions were coming from.
"Well, that song 'Indescribable'. It says, 'You place the stars in the sky and you know them by name.'"
I found myself a little inadequate to answer her question, and I doubt that I had the same ponderings at the age of 8. "I suppose that if God is wise enough to know how to make the stars and put them in place and tell them what to do and when to do it, then I suppose that he's also wise enough to keep track of all of them."
"Okay, that makes sense," was all she said.
Then, from the very back seat in the car, came the next question.
"Mommy, what's a wishin' star?" asked McK.
"Well, it's a star that you make a wish upon and hope so badly that it comes true," I responded.
"Okay, then the next time I see a wishin' star, I'm wishin' for my Daddy to come home."

Me too, kiddo. Me, too.


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