day 11: new discoveries

1.) So DSN phone calls most definitely don't cut us off at 15 minutes. Aaron called this afternoon (that is, afternoon for me, night for him). I was rambling on when he told me that the 15-minute mark was almost up. He said to just keep going, and when it cut us off, he'd try and call me back. Well, there was no cut-off. Thirty-five minutes later, I was still rambling on.....and I think my poor husband was having a hard time staying awake, so we decided to hang up. But that was after he told me the weather forecast for tomorrow (91 degrees, and he's got quite the sunburn already), his living conditions (another "can" like in Iraq), his mailing address (yes, I remembered to ask), and about the dog he's found to take care of (which means a box of Milkbones will be sent in his first care package).

2.) Apparently Heidi can paint. Jenna (Aaron's sister) took me out for a night on the town last night. I was a little anxious at first, not knowing what the night had in store. Dinner at TGI Fridays consisted of me spilling my Coke all over....yes, even without my three kids, I managed to create a kid-worthy mess to clean up. Then we ventured across the street to Wine and Canvas, a cute little studio packed with canvases, paintbrushes, paints, easels, smocks, one real artist, and many people wishing to moonlight as artists. I had never painted anything before other than the walls inside my house. This was scary. Art? No. Trial by error. There was no wine to be had by me; I figured that I was artistically challenged as it was without adding any of that to the mix. However, the painting actually turned out much better than I expected, and much easier than I had feared.
Thanks Jenna (and Kelly and Michelle) for the fun night out. I think we'll have to try it again!


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