day 11: new discoveries
2.) Apparently Heidi can paint. Jenna (Aaron's sister) took me out for a night on the town last night. I was a little anxious at first, not knowing what the night had in store. Dinner at TGI Fridays consisted of me spilling my Coke all over....yes, even without my three kids, I managed to create a kid-worthy mess to clean up. Then we ventured across the street to Wine and Canvas, a cute little studio packed with canvases, paintbrushes, paints, easels, smocks, one real artist, and many people wishing to moonlight as artists. I had never painted anything before other than the walls inside my house. This was scary. Art? No. Trial by error. There was no wine to be had by me; I figured that I was artistically challenged as it was without adding any of that to the mix. However, the painting actually turned out much better than I expected, and much easier than I had feared.
Thanks Jenna (and Kelly and Michelle) for the fun night out. I think we'll have to try it again!
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