day 67: it's the end of the world as we know it....
I just happened to glance at the clock at 5:55 pm.
Well, crap. If the rapture were to happen at 6:00, as predicted, then I'd be taken to Heaven plucked straight from self-check out lane #9 at Meijer. Lucky for me, when my receipt was in hand at 6:15, I still had my two feet planted firmly on planet Earth, sans zombie invasions.
Do you think God laughs at those people--the ones who ran around, passing out literature, madly trying to check off each item on their "bucket list", the look of fear in their eyes--or does it sadden His heart?
Myself, I kind of teeter between those two thoughts.
I'm glad I haven't lived my life in a panic, in fear of God returning before I'm really ready. I'm good with God. I'm no where near perfect, and yes there are things about me that need to change, but whenever He chooses to return for me, I'm good with that. I have the promise that what awaits me then is light years better than what I have now.
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