day 61: selective

Guess I can't be too mad at ASC when he doesn't tell me the complete truth of where he goes and how he gets there....because I am sometimes selective, too.
Yesterday, for instance, immediately after we got off the phone with each other, I discovered that the dog had to go to the vet. Right then. Luckily, my lawn mowing service (aka grandpa) was able to lengthen his stay and double as emergency babysitter so the dog could have the entire truck backseat to herself, sans 3 kids.
While waiting for a semi-eternity at the vet's office, ASC texted, saying he couldn't sleep. Revealing where I was and why would not have helped his case at all. I responded with what any good wife would ("maybe play your xbox for a while?") and kept my goings on a secret.
Until he called today. I knew then that if I got the story out quick enough, and reinforced the fact that the dog was and still is fine, we'd be good. Except he could tell by the tone of my voice that I hadn't had a good day so far, and he could probably tell why: the offspring. For the 7 minutes I'd been on the phone, I'd been able to silently quell the sibling fights occurring simultaneously or just walk away, but once that 7 minutes hit, it was an absolute mess.
K and McK were on the couch, sitting at opposite ends, fronted by tv trays precariously balancing their lunches, when a foot battle ensued. It was all in good fun for the first 10 seconds, at which they both received a snap of the fingers from me.....which was meant to deliver the message that they were done. Message not received. A grand kick by the older resulted in the tv tray of the younger toppling to the floor, on top of the food and drink.
Mom was NOT successful in quietly masking this fight from Daddy, who heard it all unravel on the phone. I think my words at that moment were, "Here. Talk to your daughter about what she just did while I clean up the mess."
A minute or two after that, the phone lines went down.
Great timing, Heidi. Just great.
A few texts were then sent back and forth.
He was going to bed and would try to call in the morning.
He wanted me to tell the girls that he loved them.
They said to tell him that they loved him.
He wanted me to tell the girls to behave.
One answered, "Aren't I already?"
One said, "Why?"
The other, "Whatever."
And so went my day....


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