day 51: my roomies
Two of them.
I'm used to flying solo on this trip, simply being co-in charge.
This time, however, I wouldn't have chosen to do the trip any other way.
You see, both the girls, Halle and Aislyn, were bugging me the first night at the hotel; they wanted to come with me to the "office room" to watch me blog. Even wanted me to blog about them.
We were so busy and hurried and exhausted that their wish wasn't granted.
But now, reflecting over the days and the sights and the events and the laughs, why wouldn't I blog about them? I'm pretty sure they look up to me, hence the wanting to watch me write. But what I'm not so sure of is if they know how much I look up to them.

These are girls that are so very confident.
Girls that are not afraid to speak their minds.
Girls that are absolutely beautiful, inside and out.
Girls that are intelligent and often wise beyond their years.
Girls that would give anything to anyone they see in need.
Girls that have hearts full of compassion.
Girls that are okay with being different.
Girls that are sold out to God--no one and nothing else.
Girls that got up an hour earlier than anyone else, simply to spend some one-on-one time with their teachers helping to get breakfast for the whole group.
Girls who were quick to play a trick on me when I walked out of the shower.
Girls who were quick to tell me when they thought my hair was cute.
Girls who, at school, now save me a seat at their lunch table on my lunch duty day.
Girls that have been a part of my day for the past three years.
Girls who I will miss when the end of May is here.
Girls who I wish I was more like when I was fourteen.
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