day 179: top three

Today, in no particular order:

1.) I spoke with this guy on the phone. For 90 minutes. And then, since he had to stay up to wait on a message over the radio, we skyped. For 30 minutes. He showed us his brown belt, his newest accomplishment in MCMAPs. Remember just the other day he earned his green belt? Well, he's been busting his butt to get to the next level, and he did. Already. So proud of him!

2.) Hello, sleeping in. You and I haven't been around each other much lately. When McK appeared on my bed at 7:15, I told her through sleepy eyes, "Kiddo, this is going to be one of those days where I'll take you downstairs and get your milk and turn your cartoons on, but then Momma's going back to bed." Luckily, she didn't protest. And the next thing I knew, at 9:30, all 3 kiddos were on my bed. Sleeping in, I forgot how much I loved you.

3.) I had me some Panera, some Jack Johnson, and a grocery shopping trip sans kids.

I'm calling this a good day.


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