day 176: weirdo

I do not know where this kid came from.

If you told me she was born on Mars (similar to her furry E.T. friend), I'd likely believe you.

She doesn't just dance to the beat of her own drummer. Instead, she has her own signature band, drummer and all.

I always walk her from my classroom to her kindergarten room each school morning, after her older sisters are gone. They, unfortunately, are "too old" for their mom to do such a thing with them now. One day last week, she decided to be different. She walked the entire way backwards. Stairs and all. Other teachers looked at me, and I simply shook my head. They understood.

Each morning, she makes sure she conforms, just barely, to the school dress code. But after that, her outfits are uniquely her. My favorite so far: camo slip-on shoes, turquoise and white polka dotted knee socks, black shorts, green polo shirt, and a navy sweater. That's my baby.

Today was her first day that she was allowed to check out a book from the school's media center. Of all the books in that place, she had her pick. For the first time. Ever. And when she marched into my classroom after school, she so very proudly held out her selection. It was this:

Straight out of the nonfiction section. Life of the Snail. Really, honey? I mean, I know this probably came from the snail that her big sister had rescued earlier this summer, the one that spent each hot Indiana day in our big flower pot on the front porch. But Life of the Snail? Really?

Good heavens.

Really, I'm not too surprised. It's too common for me to look at her, shake my head.....and yet still wonder where she came from.

(I love that kid)


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  2. I have one of those! The neat thing is when you just stop and marvel at how God put them together because you know it wasn't us! Hope you learned a lot about snails!


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