day 198: it's only 8:20

Somehow, unwillingly, I have entered a time warp.
I'm stuck there.
And time is.....well, to use the tired phrase, as slow as molasses.
Where all day long it's felt like it should be Friday.
But that's not till tomorrow.
Where all month long it's felt like it should be October already.
But that's not for 2 more days.
Where I just want to turn that next page on the calendar, a day and 4 hours early.
But I'm showing some restraint.
Where every hour seems so stressful and too trying.
But they compound on each other.

All the girls got their homework done.
None of them got to finish their soccer games, thanks to the downpour.
All 3 had supper.
Only 2 had baths.
And now all 3 are plopped in front of Phineas and Ferb, zoning out.
Just like me.

I sure love my kids.
But I'd sure love for these days to be easier.
And quicker.
And done.


  1. I'm so thankful that God gave you the ability to put into words what you are really feeling. Not just the same ol' tried and true "sayings", but really getting it right. Here, you have not tried to make everything picture perfect. Life is real and you gave voice to not only your stressed, tired, happy, sad, funny, honest, loved and normal self, but mine too. I AM in that time warp. I feel like I live the movie "Groundhog Day" over and over. Only my "Groundhog" day is one of which nightmares are made of.
    Thank you for sharing yourself with us on your long journey. Its almost over and a new one is just beginning.

    Somehow, unwillingly, I have entered a time warp.
    I'm stuck there.
    And time is.....well, to use the tired phrase, as slow as molasses.
    Where all day long it's felt like it should be Friday.
    But that's not till tomorrow.
    Where all month long it's felt like it should be October already.
    But that's not for 2 more days.
    Where I just want to turn that next page on the calendar, a day and 4 hours early.
    But I'm showing some restraint.
    Where every hour seems so stressful and too trying.
    But they compound on each other.


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