day 181: mind reader

If there is one thing I have learned in my 11+ years of marriage, it would be this:

My husband cannot read my mind

Earth shattering, right?

And it really has taken me this long to reach this conclusion.

Not on my own, however, but with much prodding (read: heated discussions) from the husband.

God gave me a husband, one who is wired quite differently than me. A husband who doesn't always get my silence or can't always read between my words. If I need him to know what I'm thinking or predict what I need, then I must tell him.

Remember, I did say this was earth shattering.

However, to his credit, last night the husband did read my mind. And rather accurately, I might add.

I had worked for hours yesterday (and I do mean hours) on schoolwork. It was church, lunch, schoolwork, supper, bed. Nothing else. And that nothing includes no phone call from the hubs. Even though it was a day he was supposed to have called. Scheduled to, actually. Even told me the day before, "I'll talk to you tomorrow." So quite naturally, when there was no phone call, I panicked. Mildly. (okay, maybe more than mildly) I did the math and figured out what time it was there. Nope. Too late for me to text him, without risking waking him up. Not worth it. So I let a few more hours pass, being mildly panicked (sort of). And then, when I was supposed to be tweaking a quiz over the traits of writing, I sneaked onto the Internet to my news site of choice. And there it was, somewhat hidden between the September 11th remembrance stories and football scores. The news of an attack in Afghanistan that killed and injured some men. And that mild panic was heightened. Ever so slightly. The rest of the night, I unsuccessfully pushed that news and my fear aside, finishing the schoolwork, putting kids to bed, and cleaning up.

It was already late when I crawled into bed, and then I spotted the book that I stayed up way too late reading the night before. But look--only 3 chapters to the end. Might as well. (more on that book later - twas quite possibly the best book I've ever read. ever.) And wouldn't you know, the very moment that I read the last page of the book, the phone rang, and it scared the bejeebers out of me. No one calls me that late at night.

But all my fears were relieved with just a quick glance at the caller ID. It was the husband. He had read my mind. And the news story. Okay....and the frantic email I had sent hours earlier, asking him if he was okay. And he knew that he could chance waking me up just to let me know that all was well.


  1. Isn't wonderful when God gives us little gifts like an phone call late at night?


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