day 136: cowgirl wannabe

At the risk of sounding like an oddball and losing any cool points I may have possibly earned with you, it's confession time.

I have always, profoundly, wanted to be a cowgirl when I grow up.
Always. Loved it.
And, of course, to go along with that, I would marry a cowboy. Duh. And live on a ranch. And rope and ride in the wild, wild West.

Yet, in reality, I married myself a Marine, live on the west side of Indy on nothing near a ranch with three little cowpokes and one little doggie.

So maybe in my next life.....

Remember our summer to-do list? Did you notice the somewhat odd-sounding to-do on there, close to the bottom? It got crossed off today. Yes, it was rodeo time, folks. My cowpokes had never been to one, but they got schooled on it today. From the rules to the entry fees to the parts I loved the best, I shared it all with them. Including my dream.

Not too surprisingly, my little sis Brooke shares that same dream. Someday.

I asked Kennedy, as we left, if she'd be a cowgirl with us one day. Her eyes lit up. "Sure!" I think I inspired another dreamer.

"But wait...." she started. "What about Daddy?"

"Well, he'd have to be a cowboy, too."

Ha. My husband who doesn't like to even ride a horse. Someday....


  1. Too funny! Jenna and I share that very same dream! Must be in our genes! But please don't anybody tell my wonderful husband! Don't want him to worry!


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