day 136: cowgirl wannabe
At the risk of sounding like an oddball and losing any cool points I may have possibly earned with you, it's confession time.
I have always, profoundly, wanted to be a cowgirl when I grow up.
Always. Loved it.
And, of course, to go along with that, I would marry a cowboy. Duh. And live on a ranch. And rope and ride in the wild, wild West.
Yet, in reality, I married myself a Marine, live on the west side of Indy on nothing near a ranch with three little cowpokes and one little doggie.
So maybe in my next life.....
Not too surprisingly, my little sis Brooke shares that same dream. Someday.
I asked Kennedy, as we left, if she'd be a cowgirl with us one day. Her eyes lit up. "Sure!" I think I inspired another dreamer.
"But wait...." she started. "What about Daddy?"
"Well, he'd have to be a cowboy, too."
Ha. My husband who doesn't like to even ride a horse. Someday....
Too funny! Jenna and I share that very same dream! Must be in our genes! But please don't anybody tell my wonderful husband! Don't want him to worry!