day 120: looking forward

I keep telling myself: less than 3 months.
That, so far, kinda helps.
And if today's accomplishment is any sign that I can really make it, then we're good to go.
What happened today, you ask?
I removed a splinter from Reagan's finger.
And if you know me, that is monumental.
I've never really been squeamish around blood or injuries.
But throw a splinter embedded in layers of skin right in my way, and I leave the room. Can't stand the sight of it OR the impending, "Mom, can you get this out?"
No way.
But today, in a miraculous feat of bravery, I did it.
Maybe it was because she bravely let me do it, needle and all.
Bravery osmosis, I suppose.
I did the splinter. I can do 3 more months.
Correction: less than 3 more months.

And here's what else.
I've forced myself to not start packing for our trip until my to-do list is absolutely all crossed off.
Well, not THE to-do list, but the most important to-do's for the upcoming 2 weeks or so.
And there's one more standing in my way, about to be crossed off w/in the next hour.
And then the packing. Good heavens. The packing.
At least I've got the lists, cause I'd surely be lost without them.

One of those to-do's has been there since May.
I've looked and looked. Considered. Debated. Walked in one store, had no help, so I walked right back out. But today I window shopped (thru a computer window, actually). And with the husband's help via Skype, he helped me decide.
I always see things so much clearer when he's involved.

Isn't she beautiful? I couldn't have just black. No, that would not do.
She's my reward for a chunk of pay I got at the end of the school year, one I had forgotten I had coming. And you see, I was starting to get a tad bit queasy at the thought of not blogging every day while I'm gone on our little excursion east.
Problem solved :)


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