day 117: happy day, K-K
You see, today is our oldest daughter's 9th birthday. And our youngest turns 5 in a few short days. And they both really really wanted to have a sleepover. And I really really didn't. But they really really did. And since I will do practically anything for my daughters once, I caved.
When I told ASC what would be going on today, he apologized. Said he already had plans for the weekend. Very funny, dear.
So now it's me and 8 kiddos in a way too hot house. Fans are going. Half the kids are whispering. Half are asleep. I am not. Nor anywhere close.
But the party, I have to say, was a fun one. The theme: the beach....where we'll be in a few short days, mind you. There was a limbo contest. Pin the leaves on the palm tree. Throw the inner tube around the flamingo's neck. A few crafts. Sea shells for prizes. Shovels and sand buckets for treat bags. And fun galore. Oh, and don't forget those stressful-to-make flamingo cupcakes. (It's times like these when I wish I could be content with a store-bought cake, a balloon bouquet, themed napkins and plates, and that was it. Oh, no. That's not the way we roll here.)
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