day 114: what to say

Hate to say this, but tonight I feel boring.

For 20 minutes now, I've sat here. Absolutely nothing revealing itself to me about what to write.

It's not that nothing happened today.....kind of. The girls and I massively cleaned their rooms today, and then we took an afternoon trip to the movie theatre to finally see Soul Surfer with some friends. Wow was that a good good, in fact, that I lost count of the number of times tears fell from my eyes. After the movie, on the way to get ice cream, R told me that if she could pick one body part for a shark to bite off, she'd pick a finger. Wow, dear.

And while we were at the movie, Aaron was trying to get a hold of me so that we could talk....but that darn phone was on vibrate.

So....yeah. Busy day, but not much to say.

Sorry for the boring-ness.


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