day 113: a myriad

Yesterday I gushed with a few things I love about my husband.

One of those things was how even after we've been together for as long as we have, we never fail to have nothing to talk about.

(Now don't take this to mean that we don't know the joys of silence when we're together, cause we do....except it's so often interrupted by the voice of a little girl....or two.....or three)

Case in point: today. Checking an email when the Messenger box popped up on the Facebook window I had buried, window on top of window. It was him. And so my childrens' room cleaning was delayed slightly. Okay, slightly more like 1 hour 45 minutes. But such is a task that is deserving of being delayed, especially for such a reason. And it's waiting for me to finish tomorrow, by the way.

Just so you know I'm not kidding, here is the condensed list of what topics spanned the time of our 1:45 conversation:

- Aaron's dad's post on FB about his adventurous bicycle riding
- our friends who found out today they're having a baby girl
- a flag that Aaron wants
- who else he was chatting with on FB at the time (his mom, dad, and gma)
- the movie the girls and I saw this morning
- how Aaron forgot to take his trash out before he went to bed
- exercising
- Aaron's iTouch
- Aaron's friend Tim
- how many times Aaron has gone outside the wire
- buying a pop-up camper when he gets home
- songs on Aaron's iTouch (and it was at this point that way too many of his posts were the lyrics to songs he was listening to, from Jimmy Buffett to Eddie Grant to Elton John. and I could tell that he was listening to little pieces of a song then quickly skipping to the next one, just like he does when I'm with him. not much has changed there!)
- iTunes
- our upcoming trip to NC
- motorcycle shopping (that one I nixed pretty quickly)
- maybe taking a quick family weekend trip when he gets back
- selling his boat

There you have it. The mundane, odd, incoherent items that made our list this time.


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