day 36: wrong president
Whenever the phone rings at 6:58 am, I know who it is.
Even without the DSN number popping up on the screen.
We chatted for a few minutes while I tried to make up time I wasted from trying on way too many outfits in front of the mirror at 6:30.
The girls were practically begging me to let them talk to their Dad.
After all, they had some exciting news to share with him.
(Yes, he had known about this for days, but the girls hadn't had a chance to tell him yet.)
Reagan's turn.
Through the receiver, I heard Aaron ask, "So Reagan, do you think you'll be able to meet the President?"
She gave a small laugh.
"Dad, the President's dead."
It took me a few minutes to sort that out in my head.....we've told the girls numerous times how they share their names with past Presidents.....none of whom are still leaving. So in Reagan's mind, she thought Daddy was asking if she was going to meet her namesake, President Reagan. She knew enough to set him straight.
I simply love the laughter that God brings to my life via my kids.
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