day 18: 50 of me

I need a hiatus from my topic as of late. It's wearing me out, and I'm sure it's not the funnest (to use a word of my children's) to read all the time, either.
Tonight, something different.
Fifty things that you've always wanted to know about me :)

1.) I have a serious addiction to Burt's Bees chapstick, making it impossible for me to go without it for any length of time. It's almost an obsession, really. One day last year I forgot to take some with me to school, and knowing Aaron was coming to school later that day to do something w/ Kennedy, I called and asked if he could come early to bring me my chapstick. One time we were out for the day, shopping and running errands, and I forgot my chapstick. I made Aaron find the closest drug store to buy more. I currently keep one tube in my purse, one on my desk at school, one in the kitchen, and one on my dresser. Repeat after me: Addict.

2.) My most favorite store is any thrift store--Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. Garage sales are a close second.

3.) If I'm not shopping at a thrift store, I won't buy something unless it's on sale or on clearance or if I have a coupon for it.

4.) I have a tattoo. On my back. I have plans for a second one (but don't tell my mom - she was mad at me for the first one).

5.) My first job was mucking the horse stalls at our neighbor's house, who was a rich doctor and could afford to pay me $50 each week to do so.

6.) I did really nerdy things when I was younger. Read encyclopedias after I had read every other book in our house. Organized my crayons by color and length. Counted the cars that drove by our house, keeping track of what colors they were. I am not surprised when my children do similar nerdy things.

7.) I would much rather go barefoot all the time. I'm not really that into shoes, but I do have a Crocs fetish.

8.) I have a thing for fonts when I'm using Word or Power Point or whatever. I can't stand just common fonts (like this one right now really bugs me). I like them to be creative and different.

9.) I really want my Jeep Cherokee back. I loved that thing. Except for the fact that it was white. I don't like white cars, even though my current vehicle is white, as is Aaron's.

10.) I've only been to 35 of the 50 states. I've never, ever left this country.

11.) My alter ego would be a marine biologist. Or a cake decorator.

12.) But my ideal job right now, if I could, would be to stop teaching and just be a writer. That's what I would absolutely love. But for now....I am a teacher.

13.) I've gone whitewater rafting 2 times and loved it, but I hate rollercoasters. Not a fan.

14.) I can't stand to not have my toenails painted.

15.) I've had to color my hair since I was in high school.

16.) I really don't like vegetables. Okay, I can handle corn, potatoes, carrots, green beans. That's it.

17.) I graduated high school with a 3.987 GPA. Just sayin'.

18.) I only recently (like within the past 2 months) went through a car wash on my own. I was honestly scared that I wouldn't be able to get the tire lined up into the right place. Surprisingly, I succeeded.

19.) My first driving lesson was in an ancient red Land Cruiser down the side of a mountain in Colorado, and it was a stick shift. I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. Just one of the crazy things my crazy uncles made me do.

20.) I recycle nearly everything that I possibly can.

21.) I love going to zoos.

22.) Aaron attempted to push me into an open shark tank on our honeymoon. Then he laughed.

23.) I cannot roller skate. Or ice skate. Though I wish I could.

24.) I love to make my own jewelry. And greeting cards. And scrapbooks.

25.) If my feet are cold, my entire body is cold, but I can't stand to sleep with socks on.

26.) I still love cartoons. My favs from my childhood were The Gummi Bears, Rainbow Brite, Smurfs, Woody Woodpecker, Bugs Bunny, the Wuzzles, Inspector Gadget, Garfield, and the Popples.

27.) I am a habitual list-maker.

28.) I grew up on a farm. Over the years, we had cows, goats, pigs, chickens, always a dog, and a slew of cats.

29.) One of my favorite smells is freshly cut hay. Sweet and crisp, I love it.

30.) I use my cell phone only for phone calls and texting. That makes me a minority, I know.

31.) I've never been stung by a bee. I've never had stitches. I broke my right wrist in 4th grade.

32.) I love falling asleep hearing the rain falling outside.

33.) Jack Johnson music is my all-time favorite.

34.) Splinters absolutely freak me out. I cannot/will not remove them. If the girls manage to get one when Dad's not here, they will have to wait until he gets home or it works its way out on its own.

35.) I cannot stand seafood, of any variety. The fishy smell makes me vomitous (my own word, there).

36.) Frozen mango drinks from Panera are my most favorite thing on this planet. I would bathe in them if I could.

37.) I hate not being in control of my emotions--namely, crying. Hate to cry in front of others.

38.) I love fall. Crisp mornings, warm days, cool nights. Vibrant colors on the trees. The sound of crunchy leaves under my feet. Caramel apples. Bonfires. Colts football.

39.) I tend to not have a favorite color.

40.) Deadliest Catch is one of my most favorite tv shows. Along with Parenthood and the now complete Prison Break.

41.) I am incredibly shy around people I don't know....usually. It takes me a long time to feel comfortable enough to act like my true self around them. I am guarded, to say the least.

42.) I have a strong fetish against the color purple (I do mean the real color, not the movie).

43.) I absolutely hate going to the dentist.

44.) I cannot whistle.

45.) The only present that I vividly remember opening as a kid on Christmas morning is a Fisher Price Little People farm set.

46.) I remember that my mom bought me a brand new set of Care Bears bed sheets when I was officially potty trained.

47.) I was named after my mom's favorite book as a child.

48.) My favorite perfume is Cool Water.

49.) I am not allowed, per my husband, to clean out underneath or behind the refrigerator ever again.

50.) I prefer Sharpies that you can click, not the ones with lids.


  1. 25 and 36 contradict each other :)

    I hate the carwash because I'm also convinced I will miss the tire thingie and run over the kid hosing down the windshield.

    Next you should blog about the refrigerator thing... I would love to hear that story!

    And I will come pull out splinters... just have the girls call me!

  2. Number 22 is my favorite. It still makes me laugh.


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