day 22: the english teacher is plagiarizing
This oughta make me super trustworthy with my students.
Tonight I'm plagiarizing, in a way (and yes, I just lectured my 6th graders about this yesterday).
Call it the dreaded "p" word if you will, but I will now refer to this as "sharing".
There are, of course, a few things I feel required to add. Explain. Clarify.
2.) You know why I said mean things to you while I was in labor, dear husband? That was our first child that I was birthing, with nothing but some wimpy Nubain to "take the edge off". That was it. And, if you recall, I only pushed twice before she made her grand appearance. So if yelling at you made me feel better, then I'm good with that. :)
3.) Bull. Just because the Garmin directs me to a bowling alley that is actually a police officer's house and a zoo that is a mere....well, words cannot do it justice, really....doesn't mean that I'm no good on my own. Give me some credit. Just sayin'.
4.) Log, actually. A tree is typically rooted to the ground, has a tall trunk, and lots of branches with leaves growing off them. It was a log. Only a log. And unavoidable, at that.
Bonus: Okay, you've got some adverb misuse here. "Almost accidentally" is a tad bit of a stretch. Replace that with "I 'on purpose intentionally' pushed my wife into a pool of sharks", and then we'll be telling the truth. And then a verb misuse with me "jumping" into the pool. Ah, no. Jumping and being shoved are of two totally different realms, my love.
Aaron, my dear husband - to tell you the truth, after I emailed you last night, I felt bad. Then today, I was mildly irritated that you didn't take the time to email me back. But then I got home tonight and read your post, and I felt bad again for feeling mildly irritated. Somehow, you are able to encourage me and comfort me like no one else. Your words were salve to a wound tonight, if you didn't know. First you had me smiling, then laughing, then crying, and then laughing through my tears. I do love you.
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