day 203: addict
I will unabashedly admit this, here and now, in front of the world.

I am addicted to this.
Coffee, that is.
This is a fairly recent development.
As of this deployment, actually.
(I guess higher stress than normal will do that to ya)
One cup a morning.
Okay, not every morning.
Weekends are on a needs-based demand.
(have to admit, I really do feel like an honest-to-goodness adult now)
And even more recently, I was gifted this Keuring.
(as if I needed a further push for my new dependency)
But wait. There's more.
Tonight I took my caffeine needs to a new level.
That means: I had a cup of coffee at 7:30 pm.
I've got it bad, don't I?
(that, or this stress is truly doing me in)
I am addicted to this.
Coffee, that is.
This is a fairly recent development.
As of this deployment, actually.
(I guess higher stress than normal will do that to ya)
One cup a morning.
Okay, not every morning.
Weekends are on a needs-based demand.
(have to admit, I really do feel like an honest-to-goodness adult now)
And even more recently, I was gifted this Keuring.
(as if I needed a further push for my new dependency)
But wait. There's more.
Tonight I took my caffeine needs to a new level.
That means: I had a cup of coffee at 7:30 pm.
I've got it bad, don't I?
(that, or this stress is truly doing me in)
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