day 200: gray words that are not my own
Thanks to the magic controls, this looks like I've posted this today, on the 1st.
When in actuality, I'm not.
(it's a lie)
I'm writing a day behind, but it appears that I'm not.
It worked out fine, actually.
My sister was visiting, and I didn't want her to have to entertain herself while I blogged.
Plus, we were out late.
And, I really didn't know what to say here.
Then today (meaning the 2nd, not the 1st....I know, I'm terribly confused, myself) I read my husband's blog post. It's on my blog roll, if you so care to know.
I've read it all, but I'm not so sure how I react to it.
It is complicated. He's right.
And I read it, and I feel like I (sort of) know exactly what he's talking about.
And yet, at the same time, I don't.
I suppose it's these gray areas of life that I hate the most.
The times when it just doesn't seem to make a crystal clear sense.
One of those icky parts of deployment that I could do without.
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