if I open my eyes...
...there is really so much good around me.
I find it it incredibly easy to get bogged down by the bad stuff.
Today, for me, there were so many negative things that filled my day.
But you know what?
I am overly and unexpectedly happy at 10:34 pm, the almost-end of a long and draining day.
Why, you ask?
Because I am intentionally choosing the positive. God doesn't want for me to bathe myself in all the bad, but he delights in me when I find joy in the midst of those downers, whether they're people, situations, choices, decisions, bad luck, or what have you.
If I would have had today, this day, a year ago, I wouldn't have made it to 7:45 before I would've determined that it was going to be a crappy day.
Remember those cartoons as a kid where the characters having a bad day had a rain cloud following them around? That's the kind of day I'm talking about. Intentionally choosing to find the good in your day is, to me, like grabbing the pencil from that cartoonist, quickly coloring in a bright, shiny, smiling sunshine, and then going on with your business.
I won't mind the rain, because I've learned how to find the sunshine.
Wanna know what I'm so joyous about tonight?
1.) People who care about me enough to make themselves a little uncomfortable in order to make my life a little more comfortable. My friend Heather comes over once a week simply to fold my laundry, a chore I loathe. Yes, she even matches up socks. My friend Anna and her family brought over supper the other night for the girls and I. Not only was it a blessing to not have to make dinner, but it was good for me to just have someone else to chat with about the events of my day. My friend Stacy asked me what things she could do to help me. She didn't offer the non-committal offer of "Just call me when you need something!", which, don't get me wrong, I know it sounds legit. But for a head-strong, independent, temporarily single mom like me, I need people to be more direct. Tell me what you're going to do, and ask me to pick when. Then do it. Stacy knew this, and she sought my input for what I needed the most this week. I love my friends. (Note: if you have done something nice for me lately but I didn't mention you in #1, please don't take offense. I just told the world that I love you. Now let me finish, so I can go to bed :)
2.) My daughters. They were absolutely horrendous at two different occasions today--in the morning getting ready for school, and at the scrapbook store (Note: Aaron, know that it was a very quick shopping spree at a scrapbook store that is closing, and I only spent $17.00.) But, they've somewhat learned to follow my lead. After these two misadventures, we wiped our tears, brushed the dirt off ourselves, and carried on. We pushed the bad things behind us, changed our attitudes, and went on with our day. Yay for us.
3.) Businesses that show pride in their country by supporting military families. One is www.militaryonesource.com. They are a HUGE resource on their own, but since we're now in the season of thinking toward taxes, they go even further. They'll put up a link in a few days for H & R Block, where us military families can file our taxes for free. Love it! Then there's www.ourmilitarykids.org. Since Aaron is on active duty, they will pay for each of my kids to do two special activities this year, things like swimming lessons, gymnastics, summer camp, and so on, up to $500.00 per kid. Amazing!
4.) Phone calls that last 86 minutes. Well, to be completely honest, my most favorite phone conversations right now are those from my husband, and I cherish them no matter how long they last. Seeing the caller ID display his name and cell number is like......well.....you have to truly know me to get this connection, but it's like ordering a frozen mango from Panera. (I love Panera's frozen mango drinks more than any other edible thing on this planet. I'd even swim in the stuff if you wouldn't mind me also drinking it.) Anyways, the point I'm making here is that I love being able to talk to my husband on the phone each night. Tonight, the call did last for over an hour. It was exactly what I needed.
5.) Phone calls that last 11 minutes, new blogs, and copy cats. In the course of writing #4, Aaron called again (after he had texted me like 8 times trying to figure out how to post to his new blog). I will admit it now, upfront, that I am an inspiration. How, you wonder? Check out my husband's new blog: www.aaron-conger.blogspot.com.
That, in a nutshell, makes me happy.
(Note: if you've been regularly reading my posts, please be smart enough to know that I'm not bi-polar. I'm actually quite stable....most days. Having ups and downs is, I think, rather normal and expected for a woman whose husband is about to go to war.)
You're so much better than me. I just want to wallow in the bad days. I want people to feel sorry for me.
ReplyDeleteOf course, these days, I remind myself about you and I stop my whiny-ass behavior! For that I'm sure Keith is grateful :)
And I'm apparently a bad friend ;) 'cause I just say call me if you need me. Guess I'd better be more proactive... love you!!