a dozen things from twelve years ago
File this away in the drawer of "things you never knew you wanted to know".
4.) The old, rusted bridge in Avon Park....that's where he proposed. It was covered in inches of snow, but he still got down on one knee. Oh, and I said yes.
5.) I later wrote a poem about that bridge. And I got it published. Earned a whopping $1000 for it. Want to read it?
6.) I wanted a simple wedding dress. Classy and simple. The first bridal shop I went to, I found it. Wasn't the first one I tried on, but it didn't take long to find it. How did I know what I wanted so quickly? Confession time: ever since high school, I kept a wedding binder. Filled with pictures, ideas, you name it. I was that oddball carrying around a Brides magazine in my backpack each day. Oddly enough, after I bought my dress, I looked back through the binder, only to find a picture torn out of a Brides magazine.....of the exact dress I had bought. See? Planning pays off.
7.) Aaron and I paid for our wedding almost completely by ourselves. My mom gave me $1000 and told me she wanted to know what it went towards. We didn't skimp, but we did keep it simple. What'd we spend? Wedding dress = $430.50 Wedding shoes = $10.49 Hair accessories = $11.00 Wedding flowers = $248.43 Bridesmaids' dresses = $70.00 (for fabric, since my mom sewed them) Unity candle = $12.00 Invitations = $100.00 (I printed them myself) Photography = $450.00 Marine Corps caketopper = $65.00 Wedding cake = $350.00 Church fees = $372.00
8.) My matron of honor, my friend Sharon who I'd been best friends with since the age of 5, was 8-months pregnant at my wedding. Ever try to find a maternity bridesmaid's dress? My solution was to have my momma sew the dresses. She did...and I'm sure she loved every minute of it :)
9.) I ordered Papa Johns pizza on my wedding day. And ate it while in my dress. What can I say? This nervous bride did not want to walk down the aisle on an empty stomach. I didn't get any on the dress.
10.) My Uncle Mike walked me down the aisle. Why not my father? My parents are divorced, and my father had not been too involved in my life. I didn't feel right asking him. Instead, I went with Uncle Mike. He did not have any children of his own, and I knew he'd never have that opportunity anyways. Plus, he looked so cute in a tux :)
11.) I (unsuccessfully) tried again to act pleased when I realized that our plane landed in Orlando, Florida. Aaron had kept the honeymoon plans a complete secret from me. When our plane landed there in Orlando, I thought, "Really? Disney World is the best he could come up with?" We walked through our gate, and before leading me to the luggage claim, Aaron pulled me down the other hallway.....to a different terminal. Just kidding. We had one more plane to catch, which took us to Key West. Much better choice, dear.
12.) Key West was crazy. I got a henna tattoo around my ankle. Aaron ate lots of sea food (I tried a few bites). We held horseshoe crabs. We rented scooters for a day and drove around the entire island. Aaron wrote my name in the sand. We went snorkeling....and swam faster than we knew we could once we spotted a few barracuda a little too close for comfort. We saw a man spray painted silver from head to toe, riding his spray painted silver bicycle. I had my first encounter with a cross-dresser. We ate supper at Denny's at midnight, across the table from Elvis (I swear, it was him). Aaron (almost) pushed me into a tank of nurse sharks. A bird pooped on me while we were waiting on our cab to take us to the airport to leave. Key West was crazy.
All 12 things, 12 years ago. Has it really been that long?
(some days....yes :)
Happy anniversary, Aaron.
Saying yes to you was the best choice I ever made.
I love you.
1.) In the name of all things traditional, he asked for my mom's permission before he asked me. I suppose she didn't object, because he walked away with a diamond to use, the one that had been in her wedding ring when she was married to my father.
2.) December 24, 1999....we were at my Mom's house for Christmas Eve before we'd head back to Indy late that night. Little did I know that the next morning would unwrap a question that I didn't see coming. But Christmas Eve birthed a question of its own: "Will you cut my hair?" How could I tell him no? Sure, I could cut his hair. Surely couldn't guarantee what it'd look like when I was done, but I could cut his hair....couldn't I? Had I ever heard of a high and tight? Well, no. Had I ever cut someone's hair before? Not unless you count the Barbies from my childhood. I'll spare you the hairy details here, but trust me on this: there is a steep learning curve to giving someone a military hair cut. So steep that you shouldn't be shocked if your customer ends up completely shaving his head after you're done.
3.) I was a little disappointed with the ring. The first ring, that is. The last present I had to unwrap on that Christmas morning was a very gaudy and cheap butterfly wing, one where the wings even almost fluttered when I moved my finger. I didn't try too hard to mask my displeasure. And I didn't know the ring was belonged to Aaron's little sister. Pleased that I was displeased, Aaron told me to get my coat on, because he had a different present planned for me.
4.) The old, rusted bridge in Avon Park....that's where he proposed. It was covered in inches of snow, but he still got down on one knee. Oh, and I said yes.
5.) I later wrote a poem about that bridge. And I got it published. Earned a whopping $1000 for it. Want to read it?
6.) I wanted a simple wedding dress. Classy and simple. The first bridal shop I went to, I found it. Wasn't the first one I tried on, but it didn't take long to find it. How did I know what I wanted so quickly? Confession time: ever since high school, I kept a wedding binder. Filled with pictures, ideas, you name it. I was that oddball carrying around a Brides magazine in my backpack each day. Oddly enough, after I bought my dress, I looked back through the binder, only to find a picture torn out of a Brides magazine.....of the exact dress I had bought. See? Planning pays off.
7.) Aaron and I paid for our wedding almost completely by ourselves. My mom gave me $1000 and told me she wanted to know what it went towards. We didn't skimp, but we did keep it simple. What'd we spend? Wedding dress = $430.50 Wedding shoes = $10.49 Hair accessories = $11.00 Wedding flowers = $248.43 Bridesmaids' dresses = $70.00 (for fabric, since my mom sewed them) Unity candle = $12.00 Invitations = $100.00 (I printed them myself) Photography = $450.00 Marine Corps caketopper = $65.00 Wedding cake = $350.00 Church fees = $372.00
8.) My matron of honor, my friend Sharon who I'd been best friends with since the age of 5, was 8-months pregnant at my wedding. Ever try to find a maternity bridesmaid's dress? My solution was to have my momma sew the dresses. She did...and I'm sure she loved every minute of it :)
9.) I ordered Papa Johns pizza on my wedding day. And ate it while in my dress. What can I say? This nervous bride did not want to walk down the aisle on an empty stomach. I didn't get any on the dress.
10.) My Uncle Mike walked me down the aisle. Why not my father? My parents are divorced, and my father had not been too involved in my life. I didn't feel right asking him. Instead, I went with Uncle Mike. He did not have any children of his own, and I knew he'd never have that opportunity anyways. Plus, he looked so cute in a tux :)
11.) I (unsuccessfully) tried again to act pleased when I realized that our plane landed in Orlando, Florida. Aaron had kept the honeymoon plans a complete secret from me. When our plane landed there in Orlando, I thought, "Really? Disney World is the best he could come up with?" We walked through our gate, and before leading me to the luggage claim, Aaron pulled me down the other hallway.....to a different terminal. Just kidding. We had one more plane to catch, which took us to Key West. Much better choice, dear.
12.) Key West was crazy. I got a henna tattoo around my ankle. Aaron ate lots of sea food (I tried a few bites). We held horseshoe crabs. We rented scooters for a day and drove around the entire island. Aaron wrote my name in the sand. We went snorkeling....and swam faster than we knew we could once we spotted a few barracuda a little too close for comfort. We saw a man spray painted silver from head to toe, riding his spray painted silver bicycle. I had my first encounter with a cross-dresser. We ate supper at Denny's at midnight, across the table from Elvis (I swear, it was him). Aaron (almost) pushed me into a tank of nurse sharks. A bird pooped on me while we were waiting on our cab to take us to the airport to leave. Key West was crazy.
(some days....yes :)
Happy anniversary, Aaron.
Saying yes to you was the best choice I ever made.
I love you.
Love the 12 things and looking forward to next year when we can learn 13 new ones!